

TG Watkins – Navigating Market Volatility: Trading Strategies & The Best Opportunities For Traders

August 12, 2024

TG Watkins, Director of Stocks at Simpler Trading and Editor of the Profit Pilot website join us to discuss market trading strategies in the context of a broad market pullback.


TG shares insights on opportunities in the small cap sector, the impact of the yen carry trade, and key indicators he is watching like the put-call ratio and 50-day breadth indicator. We also delve into the outlook for gold, Bitcoin, and zero-day options trading. Overall this is an in-depth analysis of market trends, potential honeymoon phases for investors, and methods to play the volatility in this uncertain economic and market environment.


Click here to visit TG’s site – Profit Pilot


    Aug 12, 2024 12:27 PM

    Here is an update on the issue of checking your accounts after End Of Day processing for differences in Customer Accounts values and/or altered ‘current closing Price” before next day open..

    Here is a pending example of one in my account for the last weekend:
    Emerita Friday close:
    1) OTC showed on Friday at Market Close as .516667
    — OTC showed that closing price of .516667 for Friday close, Saturday, Sunday and all day today (Monday)

    2) Schwab showed Friday close at 4:00 PM EST as .5167
    —- On Saturday Morning Schwab showed EMO Friday Close as “.4829” (after already posting the .5167 on Friday close.
    —- Only Schwab showed close as .4829
    —- Schwab retained the .4829 on Sunday and Monday in Customer Accounts while OTC maintained the Friday 4;00PM close of .5167

    3) Despite average daily volume of 32K, Schwab and the OTC showed no activity all day Monday with about 30 mins before close as this is typed. However, Cad activity is around 80K. This misstatement of Fridays close puts the account value difference between the OTC and Schwab in “limbo” as The Value of the Customer’s Account is less after the closing price dropped on Saturday. If there is no activity before close, the combined accounts of all EMO holders stock values will continue the funds in limbo, possibly into Schwab corporate accounts.

      Aug 12, 2024 12:21 PM

      So Schwab and the OTC closed EMOTF with no volume and no trades which I guess is possible if you just don’t act. However, IBKR had EMOTF at the higher close of .5167 and left it that way all day, but did show a small decline in both EMO cad and EMOTF of around -1.47%. CAD was lower Friday but the adjustment was still excessive but may have evened out below .49 today. The OTC sits unadjusted. If any of it matched after EOD processing that would help. It still leaves the question open of the OTC discrepancy vs CAD. Maybe this is what they mean by volatility as I understand there are quite a few arbitrage situations between Western and Asian markets in the metals area. My experience has been recently that EOD takes my account down most of the time. I continue to move into lower all time lows. Miners appear way over sold.

    Aug 12, 2024 12:36 PM

    I’ve been watching the trading on SCZ closely today… there has been relentless selling at the bid of 500 shares approximately every one minute for much of the day. Appears to me to be a little suspect but what do I know, haha.

      Aug 12, 2024 12:57 PM

      There is a smartass that sells a small amount on the bid at 3:59 and seconds to go quite often, prolly will do it today too.

        Aug 12, 2024 12:31 PM

        That’s probably a market maker otherwise they’d get reprimanded by their broker for painting the close.

          Aug 12, 2024 12:59 PM


          I’m sure it’s not exclusive to SCZ, haha! Usually the trade is in the last 15 seconds although it is only to paint a small drop, almost always half a cent.

    Aug 12, 2024 12:02 PM

    It Turns Out That The Small-Cap Rally Was A Bad Dream

    Mott Capital Management – Seeking Alpha – August 12, 2024

    – The small-cap rally fizzled out in three days.

    – Rising credit spreads and falling earnings estimates suggest small caps may not perform well in current economic conditions.

    – Recent small-cap rally was driven by mechanical factors, not fundamentals, indicating potential for future rally later in the year.

    Aug 12, 2024 12:10 PM

    I don’t know whether I should be happy or not for the purchase of my Osisko mining position and its’ beautiful move. I’ve been purchasing that stock on dips for many weeks and wonder if like stocks that have not broken higher but traded in ranges would be purchased for more if there was more froth in the stocks and PM market.

      Aug 12, 2024 12:58 PM

      Hi Doc – Check out the interview that posted this afternoon from John Rubino, where we spend a great deal of the discussion on the Gold Fields acquisitions of Osisko Mining and what it could mean for other advanced explorers / developers for getting rerated higher in the sector.

        Aug 12, 2024 12:23 PM

        It shows you how out of whack these markets are today, if Nvidia adds 10 cents to its share price their market cap increases by $2.45 billion more than enough to buy Osisko. Today Nvidia’s share price increased by $4.27, ($104 billion 615 million) enough of a market cap increase to buy 50 companies the size of Osisko. We live in a Whacko World that can’t go on much longer. DT

          Aug 12, 2024 12:29 PM

          If you join the military and they send you into combat and your legs get shot off they put you in a wheelchair and call you a hero. That too is The World we live in. DT